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Does Coffee Make You Tired? Here’s Why!

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We have talked about the benefits of coffee on the channel, why you shouldn’t add sugar to it, why not drink it with milk or totally black, and the healthiest way of drinking coffee.

We even saw some natural alternatives for coffee for those who want to give up on caffeine.

But today’s video, will show you why coffee may make you sleepy. Do you know why?

Either in the breakfast or after lunch, coffee is part of every American’s routine.

You surely have had a coffee after lunch to keep yourself awake and boost your mood, haven’t you? This is one of the main reasons people drink coffee: it keeps you awake due to the caffeine.

And it actually works since caffeine acts in the central nervous system (CNS) as a stimulant – making coffee the favorite beverage in every office in the world.

In the brain receptors, caffeine blocks adenosine, responsible for lowering the CNS activity when we sleep. By blocking adenosine, caffeine puts our body in a state of alertness.

But, then, why do some people drink coffee and still feel sleepy?

For Marilyn Cornelis, a researcher from Northwestern University, a series of genetic factors affect the body’s response to caffeine.

Besides, according to researchers, there are some other reasons for coffee making you sleepy:

It dehydrates you
Lowers blood sugar
It turns stress into drowsiness

Now tell us, do you feel sleepy after drinking coffee?

Have you tried drinking coffee before going to bed? How did it go?

0:00 Why does caffeine keep you awake?
0:59 Why coffee makes me tired?
1:34 Side effects of drinking coffee



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