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It’s Official! ‘Moderate’ Biden Is a Leftist Dictator | Wilkow | Ep 256

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How much more like Bernie Sanders can Joe Biden sound right now? He can try to project the image of the pragmatic moderate or even the well-intentioned progressive, but it’s all lies. He’s a leftist dictator and he’s decided that the pandemic has put the Constitution to sleep, so he’s going to remake the economy. BUT, American presidents are not given unbridled power to order citizens about. Thank goodness! So, we must fight back … politically! Then, Gen. Jerry Boykin speaks with Wilkow about vaccine mandates in the military and why that’s the worst idea, plus his own interactions with Gen. Milley and why the recent reported treasonous actions aren’t all that surprising to him. Plus, are CBP officers whipping Haitian migrants in Del Rio? Of course not. And Mark Morgan says the Biden administration will NOT be deporting any of these immigrants, despite what officials may say. WATCH more Wilkow:

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