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What Eating Too Much Meat Can Do To Your Body

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We recently talked about veganism and how people are changing their lifestyles and consuming less meat. Are you part of this statistic?

One of the reasons for cutting meat out of eating is the environment.

But, have you ever wondered what happens in your body when you eat too much meat?

Although meat is an important part of our diet, exaggerating its consumption can harm our health.

It is not to say that you should give up that delicious steak forever but, it is always good to know what too much meat does to your body.

Let’s see in this video what happens when you eat too much meat.

Dehydrates the body: due to the excess of uric acid in meat, you will probably feel thirstier than usual.

Causes kidney stones: the overconsumption of animal proteins, rich in uric acid, can cause kidney stones because of dehydration.

Hinders intestinal transit: meat-based meals are rich in protein but poor in fiber, found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Causes headaches: dehydration is also responsible for causing headaches.

Harms the skin, nails, and hair: meat-based products rarely contain vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in forming collagen.

You get sicker: the saturated fats of red meat and processed meats don’t contain the antioxidants necessary to fight inflammations.

You feel more tired: meat is harder to process compared to fruits and vegetables.

To avoid these issues, eat a portion of meat the size of your hand in each meal.

Now tell us, have you ever considered giving up on meat?

0:00 Side effects of eating too much red meat
0:35 Dehydrates the body
0:47 Causes kidney stones
0:55 Hinders intestinal transit
1:12 Causes headaches
1:27 Harms the skin, nails, and hair
1:46 You get sicker



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