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No riot for Rittenhouse: Not guilty on all counts (Full show)

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After 25 hours of jury deliberation, Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts. Did the cameras in the courtroom help, or harm the process of justice? What role did race play in Rittenhouse’s trial and ultimate exoneration. And how will the public respond in the aftermath of the unprecedented social-media circus? (01:26) RT America’s John Huddy reports live from Kenosha. Then media analyst and attorney Lionel of Lionel Media and syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette share their insights. (09:04)

Plus, the Department of Defense has issued ethical guidelines for tech companies concerning the appropriate use of artificial intelligence, a rapidly evolving form of technology with staggering implications for society. Kevin Mason of Agora Brands Group shares his expertise. He argues that “transparent, worldwide standards” are required to prevent massive harm and that “one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.” (16:43)

00:00 Full Show
01:26 Live From Kenosha
09:24 Reactions on Rittenhouse verdict
16:43 Artificial Intelligence Advantage

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