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How to Get Rid of Plaque and Remove Tartar Buildup

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Many people are bothered by their brown or yellow teeth caused by the buildup of tartar, do you suffer from that?

But, how do you solve this issue?

There are many methods to whiten your teeth, but many people don’t like using strong chemicals harmful to your health.

Tartar is nothing more than a solidified bacterial film that covers the teeth and part of the gums.

It gets a yellowish color that makes the smile less aesthetically pleasing.

Although the best way of preventing tartar is adequate oral hygiene, some homemade techniques can help you:

Coconut oil
Coconut oil benefits oral health because of its fatty acids, especially lauric acid, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Apple cider vinegar
It is a natural lightener that helps remove coffee and cigarette stains and promotes the wellness of gums.

Banana peels
Banana peels contain natural acids that whiten the teeth, besides also having many nutrients.

This root contains antibiotic properties and helps prevent tartar.

It is important to highlight that removing tartar at home should not be a frequent practice, and if done wrong, may harm your teeth.

Always talk to a dentist to have an adequate treatment, which usually includes teeth cleaning.

Also, regular visits to your dentist are essential to prevent tartar.

The more you take care of your teeth, the less tartar you will have.

0:00 How to remove plaque and tartar from teeth
0:34 Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene
1:01 Benefits pf apple cider vinegar for teeth
1:29 Banana peel teeth whitening
1:43 Get rid of tartar using turmeric
2:11 Tips to prevent tartar and plaque formation



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