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8 Best Foods to Lower Blood Sugar and Control Diabetes

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Do you have diabetes or know anyone who does?

Did you know that, besides lifestyle changes and a healthier diet, diabetic people, or those at risk of developing it, also need to exercise to get better results in their treatment?

In today’s video, you will see 8 foods that help regulate glycemia.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of diabetic people is increasing.

Today, almost 250 million people in the world have diabetes. This number is alarming, isn’t it?

The disease is considered an epidemic, and every year, around 7 million people are added to this list.

Some of the most common symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst and hunger, frequent urination, especially during the night, weight loss despite eating a lot, and fatigue without apparent reason.

You may also present blurry vision, recurring skin infections, wounds that don’t heal (or take too long to heal), and numb hands and feet.

Do you have any of these symptoms? Let’s see some foods that can regulate blood sugar:

Chia and flaxseed

A diet for diabetes should prioritize foods rich in fiber, like unpeeled fruits, fresh produce, and wholegrain cereals.

Cereals, although healthy, should still be eaten in moderation since they contain carbs that can increase blood sugar.

Opt for healthy fats, like olive oil, and lean meats, like chicken and white fish.

Another important thing is to have 4 to 6 meals a day, giving 2-4 hours between them to avoid hypoglycemia, too low blood sugar levels. It can cause dizziness, fainting, or even convulsions.

Besides the intervals in-between meals, diabetic people should also exercise at most 2 hours after meals to avoid hypoglycemia during physical activities.

0:00 What is diabetes?
1:02 Foods that lower blood sugar
3:07 Essential tips to manage diabetes



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