You are currently viewing 7 Collagen-Rich Foods to Eat for Healthy, Radiant Skin

7 Collagen-Rich Foods to Eat for Healthy, Radiant Skin

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Did you know that you can keep your face smooth, healthy, and spotless with the help of food?

Let’s see what’s on the menu for perfect skin!

We recently talked about some foods that can help make your skin pretty and free of spots, acne and even wrinkles and fine lines. Did you watch it!? No? Then, check out the suggested video at the end of this one.

Collagen is an important protein for the proper functioning of the body and preventing premature aging. We associate this protein, produced by our bodies, with firm skin since it is its most known benefit.

But collagen is also responsible for keeping our tendons, cartilage, and conjunctive tissues healthy. We could say it is the “glue” that keeps our bodies together. Did you know that?

Let’s see the 7 best foods that you should add to your diet to get more collagen.

Orange vegetables
Dark-green vegetables
Tomato, pepper, and beet
Nuts and almonds
Red berries
Citrus fruits

However, people who suffer from gastritis should avoid these foods since they can cause stomachache.

If your aim is to have healthier skin and avoid premature aging, add these foods to your diet and share your experience with us.



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