Does President Biden think that by placing the blame for the problems facing the US on the Ukraine conflict that he can shore up his abysmal 41 percent approval rating? Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute and Lionel of Lionel Media join Scottie Nell Hughes to weigh in. Then financial expert and author Barak Lurie joins to discuss the use of humanitarian parole in the admission of ever greater numbers of refugees from Afghanistan, and potentially from Ukraine.
RT America’s Paxton Boyd reports from Ottawa in the aftermath of the “Freedom Convoy” protests and the government’s reconsideration of the Emergencies Act and the dangers it poses to Canadian civil liberties.
Plus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has eased the standards of normal childhood speech development. It is now considered normal speech development to be able to speak 50 words by 30 months of age instead of the earlier standard of 24 months. Some critics believe that masks in school are to blame for a stunting of speech development. Massachusetts and Virginia have stopped mandating masks in the classroom while other states have shown greater reluctance in rescinding the controversial policy. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports.
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