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Why US media won’t shut up about the invasion that wasn’t

US media is still predicting a Russian invasion of Ukraine “at some point” as officials in Washington question whether Russia is really demobilizing its forces near the border it shares with Ukraine. France, Germany and Ukraine itself are telling Washington to calm down. Former Naval intelligence officer John Jordan joins News.Views.Hughes to share his expertise. He says that the facts on the ground “have nothing to do” with the Biden administration’s constant fixation on the perceived threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. He says such an invasion is logistically impossible and that the Biden camp is desperate for a “political win” after a succession of dismal and conspicuous failures, from the “debacle” of US withdrawal from Afghanistan to the gutting of his “Build Back Better” agenda.

The Canadian government is cracking down on donations to the “Freedom Convoy” protests and is using powers conferred by the Emergencies Act, invoked on Monday, to disperse them by force. Some Canadian officials worry that the expanded police powers threaten Canadian civil liberties. Ottawa’s police chief has resigned amid accusations of moving too slowly to quell the protests. RT America’s John Huddy reports. Then RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports on efforts by Canadian officials to confound conservative political activist Mike Lindell aka My Pillow Guy, whose camera crew was detained at the US-Canadian border for lacking proof of vaccination. His team was en route to the “Freedom Convoy” protesters to donate pillows to them.

Meanwhile, two banks have canceled their accounts with Lindell, presumably over his politics. Todd “Bubba” Horowitz of Bubba Trading joins News.Views.Hughes to share his insights. His says the Biden administration “doesn’t have an agenda to take care of Americans, but to torture Americans.”

Plus, podcaster and columnist Mila joins to talk about the quiet return of some Neil Young songs to Spotify despite his loud boycott of the streaming service over its refusal to silence controversial podcasting star Joe Rogan.

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