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This Fruit Can Replace The “Little Blue Pill” and More

Do you know achacha? This exotic fruit, originally from Bolivia

and sometimes called achachairu, isn’t very well-known in most countries.

With a sweet flavor and very juicy, achacha is used for sweet and aphrodisiac recipes.

In Bolivia, this fruit is used in ice creams, juices, sodas, and sweet treats.

Besides its unique flavor, achacha is also used in popular medicine for its incredible anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties.

But, according to research, this fruit has properties that increase energy and stamina.

Did you know that achacha is a powerful, natural aphrodisiac?

People say that those who have an achacha tree in their garden will never need to take that famous blue pill to have more energy.

Besides this benefit, achacha also has many other benefits which we’ll explore in this video!

0:00 Health benefits of Achacha
0:39 Achacha aphrodisiac properties
0:51 Increases immunity
1:04 Reduces fluid retention
1:15 Fights anemia
1:30 Prevents cancer
1:45 Regulates the digestive system
1:54 Acts as a natural healing



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