You are currently viewing The REAL PRICE of living in Kamala Harris’ America: Inflation, housing taxes, & crime

The REAL PRICE of living in Kamala Harris’ America: Inflation, housing taxes, & crime

What’s the real price of living in America right now? Glenn takes a look at how inflation has skyrocketed in Pennsylvania, where the economy is the #1 issue for the 2024 election. Then, he reviews how progressive policies have destroyed California and forced businesses to flee. These same policies will go nationwide under a “President Harris,” Glenn says. And she has some of her own, including for taxes on unrealized gains, AKA your house. A vote for Harris, Glenn argues, is a vote for MORE inflation, MORE taxes, and also MORE crime. Glenn reviews how the Biden/Harris immigration policies have allowed a terrifying Venezuelan gang to take over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, and they won’t stop there if Harris wins the White House …

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