You are currently viewing The Full Tim Pool: On Independent Reporting, Media Bias, Joe Rogan, Covington, & Protests. (Updated)

The Full Tim Pool: On Independent Reporting, Media Bias, Joe Rogan, Covington, & Protests. (Updated)

******* I re-uploaded this video because YouTube slapped an age-restriction on the original version (after 365,000 views), which drastically reduces who else will see it.

The only difference between this video and the original is the removal of 2 clips (at 15:50 and 16:14) showing Antifa protestors attacking people.

I will keep the original version up as well. But if you want to watch that version, you need to be signed into YouTube.

I did a short video on citizen journalists, like Tim Pool. But the entire story of Pool’s career deserves more time.

To make sure you see the new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here:

Tim Pool is a very successful journalist.

He has millions of subscribers on multiple channels.

Yet Pool never went to journalism school. In fact, he didn’t even finish high school.

Pool became a respected reporter, just by doing it–going there and covering things the mainstream media miss.

He’s reported from global hotspots, gone into the middle of riots, and exposed media bias.
This is my full interview with Pool.

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