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The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

The FBI says self-defense with a gun is RARE, and their statistics support that. The legacy media, Hollywood, and left-wing politicians use that data to push gun control.

But criminal justice researcher John Lott says the FBI ignores lots of cases where civilians’ guns SAVE LIVES.

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In case after case that the FBI missed, civilians used their own guns to stop active shooters.

Raul Mendez was one of those heroes.

At a neighbor’s party, a guest opened fire and shot Mendez in the head.

Thankfully, he was able to recover and pull out his concealed gun.

He stopped the attacker from killing other party guests.

Yet his story, and that of many others, aren’t recorded by the FBI. They get little media coverage.

Our new video shows why guns in the right hands save lives.

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