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Put Bay Leaf In Your Soup To Get This Amazing Benefit

When you season a dish before you put it in the oven, you may not think about what plants the herbs and spices came from. With bay leaves, however, you can.

It’s one thing to sprinkle your food with oregano or thyme, but sticking a whole leaf in a pot while it’s cooking may seem odd.

While it’s not common to eat them whole, sticking the aromatic leaves into food while it’s cooking is popular.

Bay leaves come from an evergreen plant called laurel that grows in warm climates.

Bay leaves have been cultivated around the world for centuries and have been used for thousands of years as a spice, essential oil and in traditional medicine.

Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of bay leaves and why you should add this herb to your soups and stews.

0:00 Introduction
0:05 Why you should soak beans before cooking
0:48 Health benefits of bay leaves
1:45 How to make bay leaf tea
2:22 Outro

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