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Put a Drop of This Essential Oil on Your Pillow to Sleep Better

Do you sleep well? Have you heard that a good night’s sleep solves any issue?

Did you know that not sleeping well increases the risk of heart disease, changes blood pressure, and even causes diabetes?

Some people say it even lowers your sexual desire.

But even though they know the importance of sleep, some people still can’t rest at night.

Stress and anxiety are the main causes of poor sleep.

According to research, when you are stressed or anxious, your brain doesn’t stop working for a single moment, which puts you in a constant alert state.

However, just a few drops of essential oil before going to bed can reduce your stress and anxiety, allowing you to have a restful night.

Did you like these tips on how to use essential oils to improve your sleep? If you have sleep issues, these tricks will certainly help you.

Since each oil has a different effect, you’ll need to test all of them until you find which one works better in your case.

After choosing your oil, come back here and share your thoughts with us.

0:00 Introduction
0:43 How to Use Lavender Oil For Sleep Problems
0:57 Valerian for Anxiety or Sleep, Insomnia
1:06 Benefits of Marjoram Oil
1:17 Ylang Ylang Oil For Sleep
1:29 How To Use Essential Oils to Aid Sleep & Relaxation



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