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Kazakhstan rioters set fire to presidential residence amid fuel price spikes (FULL SHOW)

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A state of emergency has been declared in Kazakhstan, right now—demonstrators have taken over a government building in the city of Almaty—and set other government offices on fire. Anger has been building since the government lifted a fuel price cap on New Year’s Day. Reports of an internet blackout in the country—after a day of mobile internet disruptions and partial restrictions. RT’s Nikki Aaron has the story. (1:00) Then former UK MP George Galloway and consultant on Central Asian affairs Alisher Khamidov give their analysis of the growing discontent in Kazakhstan. (3:14) The French president said he wants to ‘irritate’ the unvaccinated, resorting to an expletive to make his point. His remark comes as the National Assembly debates banning the un-jabbed from bars, cafes and cinemas. (5:18) A record number of Americans are quitting their jobs, 4.5 million reported in November alone. At the same time—the number of job openings hovered near the same in this period. According to the US Labor Department—many of those are calling it quits came from restaurants and hotels. RT America’s Trinity Chavez brings us the story. (19:40)

00:00 – FULL SHOW
01:00 – Kazakhstan on Fire
03:14 – Discussion
05:18 – French President on the Unvaccinated
19:40 – Americans are quitting

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