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ISIS leader killed along with children; Turkey attacks Kurdish rebels in Syria (full show)

#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #InQuestion

President Joe Biden announced Thursday that the leader of ISIS has been killed during an overnight US-conducted raid in Syria’s Idlib province. The Pentagon, calling it a successful strike – while first responders say 13 people were killed, including civilians, many of whom were children. RT Correspondent Paxton Boyd gives us the story. (1:08) Then, former UK MP George Galloway and former Pentagon official Michael Maloof share their perspectives. (3:20) Big tech is lending Ottawa a hand by shutting down social media pages linked to the so-called Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting vaxx mandates in Canada. Facebook taking down the group trying to organize a DC convoy here in the US – and GoFundMe – suspending the Canadian group’s donation page – in an effort to cripple the group – who say they have enough funding in the coffers to continue their protest for months. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau labeling the truckers as dangerous racists and even fascists, offending some of the protestors. NYT bestselling author and president of the Schalfy Eagles Ed Martin joins In Question to discuss. (10:15)

01:08 ISIS Leader Kill
03:20 Geroge Galloway and Michael Maloof Discuss
10:15 Big Tech Shuts Down Trucker Protest

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