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How far will Jan 6 probe go to ‘back build’ coup plot theory?

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An Indiana photographer is suing the House January 6th Committee for the subpoena of her phone records, which she says violates her First Amendment Rights and puts her confidential sources at risk. (01:11) RT America’s Ben Swann, who witnessed the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill, joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss the implications. He says the probe into the Capitol Hill mayhem of January 6th is less a true investigation than a “back building” of findings needed to confirm its a priori conclusion of a nefarious insurrection conspiracy and that demanding a photographer’s phone records is an extremely dangerous precedent and erodes personal freedom for everyone. (03:17)

Meanwhile, when schools bowed to demands to remove school resource officers, most didn’t follow up with the introduction of crisis counselors as promised to take over the role of correcting misbehavior in students. Now, these schools have become a virtual free-for-all, with instances of frequent and conspicuous violence. One viral video appearing to show a violent student stomping on a teacher’s head. Schools are scrambling for more security and canceling classes as they struggle against the violence without the banished officers. Luther Mercer of Whole Child Strategies weighs in on the issue. He says that councilors are just as vital as the officers and that both are crucial to keeping violence in check. (11:38)

Plus, RT America’s Natasha Sweatte discusses looming energy legislation in New York City expected to increase power bills but help mitigate the city’s dire environmental impact by minimizing reliance on fossil fuels. She also examines the purported environmental threat posed by natural gas before former USTR official Steve Gill shares his insights. (18:56)

00:00 Full Show
03:17 Woke Mob After Journalists
11:38 Violence in Schools
18:56 NY Bans New Gas Stoves

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