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FULL SHOW: Supply Chain Crisis Threaten Holidays

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As we approach the holiday season, battered by a second year of the pandemic—we’re looking forward to finally being able to spend holidays with loved ones. But amid rising inflation and spiking gas prices—the 2021 holiday season may be a little lean. A massive backlog of ships waiting to dock at US ports carrying goods that should already be on the shelves ahead of Black Friday. We explore all that’s In Question—surrounding Black Friday. First, RT America’s Natasha Sweatte takes a deeper look into the backlog, from one of the busiest ports in the country. (1:55) Then, VP of governor affairs at the Truckload Carriers Association Dave Heller joins In Question to talk about how this shipping crisis is affecting truckers. (5:14) Later, Sami Souid President of the IHL Group—a top fashion brand distributor discusses how retailers are struggling with limited supply. (10:20) Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, while so many are dealing with financial constraints—others are turning to shopping for some relief. So who exactly is falling victim to ‘mindless consumerism’ RT America’s Trinity Chavez explains. (17:03) Dr. Chloe Carmichael, clinical psychologist and author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety, joins In Question to talk about the psychology of shopping obsessions. (20:29)

1:55 Shipping Backlog
5:14 Trucking Crisis
10:20 Supply Chain
17:03 “Mindless Consumerism”
20:29 Shopping Obsession

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