This is why COVID won’t ruin Bill Hemmer’s Christmas┃The Fox News Rundown
Christmas Eve is a week from tonight. Last year, many Americans skipped seeing friends and family because of the coronavirus pandemic. This year, desp
Christmas Eve is a week from tonight. Last year, many Americans skipped seeing friends and family because of the coronavirus pandemic. This year, desp
Ben Domenech sits down with author Elbridge Colby to discuss his new book, The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict.
Former National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien discusses President Biden’s foreign policy Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott describes his state's effort to build their own border wall on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox New
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses The Trial of Julian Assange, a new book by Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. In July 2010, Wikileaks
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson explains why Democrats are 'worried that [democracy]'s going to work too well' on 'Fox News Prime
Tucker Carlson shows what Biden’s immigration policy leads toward in his opening monologue. #FoxNews #TuckerCarlsonTonight Subscribe to Fox News! htt
RT America Enrique Rivera takes a look at Russia’s new security proposal to NATO. This comes at a time of heightened tension between East and West ove
‘The Five’ co-hosts lay bare the dysfunction and failures of the Biden-era Democratic Party. #FoxNews #TheFive Subscribe to Fox News!
Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell and Attorney Brian Claypool weigh in on Kim Potter's testimony on 'The Story.' Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.l