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Blinken says ‘not here to start a war, but prevent’ — questions?

US State Sec. Antony Blinken admitted that Washington’s past talking points involved “intelligence that did not bear out.” So why are the pronouncements of the State Department, Pentagon and White House uncritically swallowed and allowed to pull us closer into another unnecessary conflict abroad? Former Naval intelligence officer John Jordan and political analyst Jackson Hinkle of “The Dive” join News.VIews.Hughes to share their insights.

Then Lionel of Lionel Media discusses Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against the New York Times, whom she says defamed her in a 2017 editorial linking her pro-gun advocacy to a gunman’s shooting spree that killed six people and gravely wounded then-Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Arizona).

RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports on the Vatican’s announcement that a cleric in Phoenix baptized parishioners using incorrect phrasing for 16 years and that his error invalidated the thousands of baptisms he performed. RT America’s Paxton Boyd discusses revelations that San Francisco police use of DNA obtained in voluntary rape kits to prosecute unrelated crimes, potentially discouraging victims of sexual assault and rape from seeking justice, according to critics. Plus, investigative journalist Ben Swann weighs in on the CDC’s admission that ten percent of swabbed samples tested for COVID-19 in PCR tests were sent to labs around the world for genomic sequencing, raising privacy concerns.

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