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ATF keeps ‘unofficial’ database on 54 million gun owners (Full show)

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The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has been quietly collecting records for 54 million gun owners. This is raising concern among gun owners over perennial fears over a federal database, a necessary precondition for confiscation of privately held firearms en masse. Larry Ward of Constitutional Rights PAC weighs in. But first, News.Views.Hughes takes a hard look at the soaring costs of gas, consumer goods, and practically everything else as supply chain issues and an employment crisis continue to hobble the pandemic-battered US economy. Meanwhile, President Biden is visiting the port city of Baltimore to meet with representatives of the heights of US commerce and industry to push his plan for fixing US infrastructure and economic life. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports. Then former US Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share his expertise. He argues that the US policy of stock buybacks and an unsustainable trade imbalance, which he says “leaks trillions” from the US economy and amounts to “buying garbage from foreign countries and going deeper and deeper into debt.” An asthmatic woman in Canada has been diagnosed with “climate change,” a new medical diagnosis with potentially epic repercussions. Lionel of Lionel Media shares his insights. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports on the latest development in investigators’ continuing struggle to make sense of the knot of lies and partisan vitriol that formed the foundation of the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory that so captivated US media and government during the Trump presidency.

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