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MO MONEY! Maxine Waters’ Daughter Scored Big From Campaign Funds!

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Top news right now: California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters has come under fire for paying her daughter over $1.2 million in campaign funds since 2004. Karen Waters received payments from her mother’s campaign to keep her “slate mailer” operation afloat. This type of nepotistic practice has been challenged by the GOP, who have introduced the Family Integrity to Reform Elections Act, aimed at preventing campaign funds from going to a candidate’s immediate family. The revelations of Maxine Waters’ campaign spending on her family members are not isolated, and other prominent Democrats have also come under scrutiny for paying family members exorbitant amounts of campaign funds. The FIRE Act will not only reduce the unethical use of campaign funds but also ensure that our elections are fair, transparent, and truly reflective of the will of the people. For more breaking news, follow Next News.



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