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Russia strikes Ukraine; does not demand Zelensky step down but NATO to back off

#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #InQuestion

Military strikes across the Ukraine has rocked headlines and shocked the world. RT’s Senior correspondent Murad Gazdiev is on the ground, in the Lugansk Republic. (:36) In the meantime — Russia’s Defense Ministry – under the direction of President Vladimir Putin – says the operation poses no threat to civilians, and only military infrastructure is being targeted. RT’s Roman Kosarev in Donetsk has the story. (5:11) Then, Former UK MP George Galloway and former Pentagon official Michael Maloof join a panel to weigh in. (10:50) In the US, polls show that the majority of Americans have no stomach for US involvement in Ukraine. More than 2/3 surveyed say they want US involvement to be minimal to not at all. The news of Russian strikes are driving markets down as prices for gas and food are responding accordingly. Investigative journalist and cohost of BB – Ben Swann and host of WTH – Tyrel Ventura share their perspectives. (21:12)

00:36 Military Strikes Across Ukraine
10:50 Geroge Galloway and Michael Maloof Discuss
21:21 Ben Swann and Tyrel Ventura Discuss

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