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US indulges in ‘brilliant theater’ with Russian invasion hype (Full show)

President Biden is giving mixed messages on Russia, saying an invasion of Ukraine is unlikely but telling Americans to evacuate anyway as Ukraine’s oligarchs flee abroad. Biden claimed Democratic and Republican unity on the question of Ukraine despite words of dissent from US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Florida Rep. Anthony Sabatini, a Republican. The joint Russian-Belorussian military exercises near Ukraine’s border, dubbed “Allied Resolve 2022,” has concluded on schedule and have announced the demobilization of its military buildup. While some Ukrainian officials remain skeptical, everyday Ukrainians are inclined to believe what they’re seeing and blame western media outlets for stoking the tense situation. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich reports. (01:07)

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Schulz and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke in Moscow about the problem of NATO’s perennial desire for eastward expansion toward Russia’s doorstep. They also discussed complications regarding the deeply political Nord Stream 2, which is ready to deliver cheap Russian fuel to Germany. RT’s Danny Armstrong reports. Then professor and author Dr.. Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Prof. Peter Kuznick of American University share their expertise. (08:42)

RT America’s Paxton Boyd reports on a surprise turn in the case against Prince Andrew, Duke of York, who has agreed to an out-of-court settlement with Virginia Giuffre. The settlement precludes a future trial, but his reputation is already arguably ruined forever. (18:58)

US intel has leveled the accusation of trafficking in “Kremlin talking points” at popular financial blog ZeroHedge. RT senior writer Nebojsa Malic weighs in. He points out that the absence of evidence or due process in the scurrilous claim flies in the face of the freedoms purported to exist in the US and considered to be threatened by the caricature of autocracy that the image of “Russia” conjures in the West. (21:43)

00:00 Full Show
01:07 Mixed Messaging
08:42 German Leader in Moscow
18:58 The Prince Pays Up
21:43 Asking Wrong Questions

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