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NATO threatens to go to space; Russian-US ministers to meet

#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #InQuestion

Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov met with Germany’s new foreign minister Tuesday in Moscow. The two ministers focused on what NATO calls a buildup of Russian troops on Ukraine’s eastern border. They also discussed the banning of RT’s new German-language carrier from Youtube by a satellite carrier in the country. RT’s Donald Courter reports. (1:05) Then, former UK MP George Galloway and George Szamuely, writer and Senior Fellow at the Global Policy Institute in London share their perspectives. (4:52) Eight years after the water crisis in Flint, Michigan began – few people have been held criminally responsible – despite the fact it was one of the worst manmade public health emergencies in US history. RT contributor Mollye Barrows takes a closer look at the investigation. (15:04) AT&T and Verizon are slated to roll out their 5G networks this week, however the FAA says this could pose a serious threat to airport procedures. The agency believes the networks could cause several issues such as preventing Boeing planes from stopping on the runway during landings. Independent journalist Ashlee Banks has more. (18:33)

01:15 Russia and Ukraine
04:52 Geroge Galloway and Geroge Szamuely
15:04: Flint Michigan
18:33 AT&T and Verison 5G Push

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