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Flame wars defame & press goes unpunished

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Legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media and “Eat the Press” host Steve Malzberg join to discuss the divisiveness, hostility, and demonization that plague the intensely partisan media of our time. They discuss how the disturbing rancor that saturates today’s media is misleading the public, damaging democracy and endangering the craft of journalism.(15:19)

But first, there has been an increase in retail sales in 2021, an apparent rebound from last year’s holiday shopping slump. But labor shortages, long lines, inflation, and enduring problems in the supply chain issues cast a shadow over the seasonal merriment, and as always, consumers will emerge from the holidays deeper in debt. (01:21) RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports before Todd “Bubba” Horwitz of Bubba Trading joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share his expertise. (04:27)

Then political commentator and social media critic Lauren Chen joins Scottie Nell Hughes to weigh in on the meteoric rise of social media juggernaut TikTok, which is now more popular than Google.(08:57) Plus, RT America’s Alex Mihailovich brings the grim numbers as the COVID-19 pandemic surges in the US, adding to the astronomical number of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19.(22:41)

00:00 Full Show
01:21 Holiday Retail Resurgence
04:27 Holiday Boom
08:57 TikTok Dethrones Google
15:19 Slander Supercharged
22:41 US Life Expectancy

#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #NewsViewsHughes

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