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Risk enriching Taliban or brace for migrant Apocalypse (Full show)

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House Democrats urged President Biden to unfreeze Afghanistan’s assets. Those pleading for the monetary thaw warn of even deeper humanitarian devastation ahead for Afghans if warmth doesn’t prevail. Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof joins RT America’s John Huddy to weigh in. He points out that it’s difficult to track the flow of money once it begins circulating, and the fact of Taliban rule makes it almost certain that at least some will enrich officials of the regime.(01:00)

RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports on the tragic pattern of botched airstrikes going unpunished in Afghanistan . (06:42)

Plus, legal expert and criminal defense attorney Ajay Pallegar shares his insights on the unfolding trial of accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, where jury deliberations continue as to whether she was a victim or an accomplice in the orbit of now-deceased jet-set pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.(10:16)

RT America’s Alex Mihailovich reports on the resurgence of COVID-19 with the heightened transmissibility of the omicron variant. Health officials are pushing more than ever for vaccination despite the variant’s mild symptoms and its ability to evade the protection conferred by the vaccine. (14:42) Then RT producer Enrique Rivera reports on the rise in heavy drinking that came on the heels of the pandemic.(21:54)

00:00 Full Show
01:00 Afghanistan Dilemma
06:42 Precision Airstrikes?
10:16 Fate Awaits
14:42 Stopping Omicron
21:54 Pandemic Of Drinking

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