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How Trump’s D.C. Hotel Cashed In On The Jan. 6 Riot | Forbes

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Sky-high room rates. Record in-room service. Appearances from Trump family members. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what was happening inside the Trump hotel on the days surrounding the storming of the Capitol.

Donald Trump didn’t just inspire the Jan. 6 riot—he seems to have made money off it.

On December 19, Trump tweeted, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Almost overnight, the cheapest room in his D.C. hotel on that January evening surged from $476 to $1,999. Just over a week later, prices hit $3,600, before eventually climbing to $8,000.

Customers kept spending freely when the big day arrived. On Jan. 7, the director of the Trump hotel bragged that the property’s in-room dining hit record rates.

Who all was in attendance? Guests included insiders working to overturn the election from the “war room” down the block at the Willard hotel—as well as the president’s two eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric. Other Trump partisans showed up too, such as former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Juan O. Savin, a Qanon influencer some followers believe is really John F. Kennedy Jr. (He is not.)

Using social-media posts from hotel customers, including many who later deleted their updates, Forbes offers an inside look at who was moving around Trump’s business in the days surrounding Jan. 6, when it became a key gathering point for those trying to overturn the election. Officials at the Trump Organization did not respond to inquiries.

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